Android Endoscope Boroscope Review
A boroscope for your smartphone.

Android Endoscope Boroscope Review Review
A borescope can be a real gem of a tool to have, especially if it is waterproof and is mobile enough to use without a laptop or mains power. I purchased one a while ago but this needed to run on my laptop and primarily I used it for working on my car. This set was mediocre at best as the image was simply poor. That being said it was a camera that produced an image at around 320x240 pixel and on my laptop, this was just poor quality.
My search then took me to the 2 in 1 Inspection camera which plugs into android and windows smartphones which have the OTG capability (on the go - this powers the uSB device), and computers with a USB connection.
The camera comes in a nice presentation box and contains the camera itself which has a long 5 metre cable and is complete with a full sized and micro sized USB connection so you can use it on a PC or your smartphone.
Included in the box are some acessories, these include a mirror, a magnet and the sheath to hold the hook wire in place. The manual is OK and tells you enough about the camera but it is poorly written.
Overall the quality of the camera is OK when used in normal lighting but it struggles in low light. There are 6 LED which are turned on via a button on the USB connector and these do an OK job of lighting things up but its still not great.
You can watch the fill video review below.
Overall the camera is better than the one I had before and its waterproof so I can use it down drains and in more places on the car or motorcycle so I am happy. For the price as well its a pretty good buy.